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1鱼病的诊断鱼病的种类繁多,发生的原因也错综复杂,鱼病发生后是否能尽快得到控制,对鱼病迅速作出正确的诊断,判明主要致病因子是首要步骤。只有正确诊断鱼类患何种疾病,是何种原因引起,才能对症下药,取得控制疾病的效果。1.1现场调查、询问在诊断鱼病之前,首先向养殖者调查询问。在草鱼、鲢、鳙、鲤、鲫混养的池塘内,仅是草鱼得病。应首先怀疑是草鱼四病(出血病、赤皮病、烂鳃病、肠炎病);如果混养池塘的各种鱼类按鲢、鳙、草鱼、鲤、鲫的顺 1 The diagnosis of fish diseases A wide range of fish diseases, the reasons are complicated, whether the fish disease can be controlled as soon as possible after the fish disease to make the correct diagnosis promptly identified the main risk factors is the first step. Only the correct diagnosis of what kind of fish disease, what is the reason, in order to prescribe the right medicine, to obtain the effect of controlling the disease. 1.1 On-site investigation, inquiry Before the diagnosis of fish disease, first of all to the farmer survey inquiry. Grass carp, silver carp, bream, carp, crucian carp polyculture ponds, grass carp is only sick. Should be the first suspected four diseases of grass carp (hemorrhagic disease, red-skin disease, rotten gill disease, enteritis disease); if polyculture ponds of various species of silver carp, bream, grass carp, carp, crucian carp
七师锦龙电力公司在“四强”活动中制定了干部联系点制度。图为该公司老龙口水电厂领导帮助职工解决技术难题。 Seven divisions Jinlong Power Company in the “top four
尿路感染 (简称尿感 )是由多种病原微生物引起的尿道、膀胱、输尿管、肾盂粘膜和 (或 )肾间质的炎症。病原微生物主要是细菌 ,极少数为病毒、真菌、衣原体和支原体。尿感是泌
克氏原螯虾俗称淡水小龙虾,简称(小)龙虾,是淡水螯虾的一个种。该虾肉味鲜美,风味独特,蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低,钙、磷、铁质含量丰富,是营 Procambarus clark commonly kn
1 病历报告患者 ,男 ,4 2岁。因腰部疼痛反复发作 1年 ,疼痛加剧伴尿频、尿急、尿痛近 1周于 1999年 2月 2 6日来我院就诊。查体 :患者一般情况好 ,右侧腰部压痛明显。实验