Design of an age hardening Mg-Li alloy and its aging behavior

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hrwhrw
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An effort was made to design an age hardening Mg-Li alloy based on the phase diagrams calculated by means of “THERMO-CALC”—a thermodynamic software. Experiments were carried out to verify the calculated results by melting the alloy and examining its structure and aging behavior. The results show that the alloy possesses a structure constituent as expected, besides, the alloy has apparent aging behavior and over aging happens even at lower temperature. Metastable (Mg, Li, Al, Zn) phase has been identified when the hardness reaches the aging peak. With the increase of the aging time, (Mg, Li, Al, Zn) phase transforms to stable α phase and over aging happens. An effort was made to design an age hardening Mg-Li alloy based on the phase diagram calculated by means of “THERMO-CALC” - a thermodynamic software. Experiments were carried out to verify the calculated results by melting the alloy and examining its structure and aging behavior. The results show that the alloy possesses a structure constituent as expected, besides, the alloy has apparent aging behavior and over aging happens even lower temperature. Metastable (Mg, Li, Al, Zn) phase has been identified when with the increase of the aging time, (Mg, Li, Al, Zn) phase transforms to stable α phase and over aging happens.
[锁定考点]  1.字、词的读音及书写;2.词语的理解与运用;3.病句的辨析与修改;4.句子排序;5.句式的选择、变换;6.句子仿写;7.语段综合。  [经典题型]  1.阅读下面的文字,完成题目。(2分)  寒冬腊月,山里的蜡梅相继开放。它们尽管生长在贫瘠的岩缝间,经受着凄风苦雨的(侵蚀/侵袭)和无人问津的寂寞,仍然无怨无悔;即使零落成泥,也芳香依旧。到了三四月份,生长在高原上的紫花地丁也会自在
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