
来源 :中国改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hedongxu2288
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朝鲜保持强硬;美国以软对硬;韩国以硬碰硬;中国积极促谈;日本、俄罗斯立场基本不变朝核问题内在矛盾在过去一年中日渐凸显并有所激化,外交解决这一问题的六方会谈与半岛无核化进程遭遇空前挫折,东北亚安全形势中的不确定因素明显增多。虽然在中国总理温家宝和美国朝鲜问题特使博斯沃思先后访朝的积极推 North Korea Maintains Toughness; U.S. Takes Soft Efforts; South Korea Takes Honors; China Takes Active Steps to a Chat; Japan and Russia Staless Unevenly The inherent contradictions in the North Korea nuclear issue have become increasingly prominent and intensified in the past year. The six parties to the diplomatic solution to this problem The talks and the denuclearization of the peninsula suffered an unprecedented setback. The uncertainties in the security situation in Northeast Asia have obviously increased. Although the prime minister of China, Premier Wen Jiabao, and the U.S. special envoy to North Korea, Bosworth, successively visited DPRK and actively pushed the DPRK
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Deeply trapped energetic ions can destabilize the internal kink mode with both highand low frequencies with a potato-orbit limit in the EAST-like tokamaks. The
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First lithium coating associated with ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) plasmawas performed successfully in EAST.Results in reduction of both residual im
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