Physical and geometrical parameters of CVBS ⅩⅣ:the two nearby systems HIP 19206 and HIP 84425

来源 :天文和天体物理学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:starseekerwjy
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Data release 2 (DR2) from the Gaia mission was of great help in precise determination of fundamental parameters of Close Visual Binary and Multiple Systems (CVBMSs),especially masses of their components,which are crucial parameters in understanding formation and evolution of stars and galaxies.This article presents the complete set of fundamental parameters for two nearby close visual binary systems (CVBSs),which are HIP 19206 and HIP 84425.We utilised a combination of two methods;the first one is Tokovinin\'s dynamical method to solve the orbit of the system and to estimate orbital elements and the dynamical mass sum,and the second one is Al-Wardat\'s method for analysing CVBMSs to estimate the physical parameters of the individual components.The latest method employs grids of Kurucz line-blanketed plane parallel model atmospheres to build synthetic Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of the individual components.Trigonometric parallax measurements given by Gaia DR2 and Hipparcos catalogues are used to analyse the two systems.The difference in these measurements yielded slight discrepancies in the fundamental parameters of the individual components,especially masses.So,a new dynamical parallax is suggested in this work based on the most convenient mass sum as given by each of the two methods.The new dynamical parallax for the system HIP 19205 of 22.97±0.95 mas coincides well with the trigonometric one reported recently (in December 2020) by Gaia EDR3 of 22.3689 ± 0.4056 mas.The positions of the components of the two systems on the evolutionary tracks and isochrones are plotted,which suggest that all components are solar-type main sequence stars.Their most probable formation and evolution scenarios are also discussed.
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