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本文分析自然地形的热象空间结构。从热平衡方程可以看出,此结构与地形的热特性和外部辐射源的热输入有关。这表明地形热象的空间自相关是热传导率和热吸收率空间自相关函数的加权叠加。每一相对加权作为外部热源函数而变化,产生出随时间变化的自相关的函数。实验结果表明,这与理论假设相当吻合,并证明了热象的相关长度是随热源强度的增加而减小的。 This article analyzes the thermal spatial structure of natural terrain. As can be seen from the heat balance equation, this structure is related to the thermal characteristics of the terrain and the heat input from the external source. This indicates that the spatial autofocus of terrain thermography is a weighted additive of the spatial autocorrelation function of thermal conductivity and heat absorption. Each relative weight varies as a function of the external heat source, producing a function of autocorrelation over time. The experimental results show that this is in good agreement with the theoretical assumptions and prove that the correlation length of the thermal image decreases with the increase of the intensity of the heat source.
本文拟从社会语言学的角度,分析新时期网络语言的基本类型,对网络语言现象的产生和发展进行探讨。 This article intends to analyze the basic types of internet language
评述 现在的CPU真是越来越便宜了,使用只有600元钱的750MHz Duron,怎么说呢?一个字,快!!好在内存的价格也在下调,只要380元,128MB HY PC-133的内存就搞定了。而硬盘作为家用
据《英文报刊资料》 (1987年1月10日)报道,皮克曼工业公司仪表制造分部(Process Instruments Division of Beckman Industrial Corporation)采用了一种多用途的868型红外分
PURPOSE: To analyze the importance f optical coherence tomography (OCT) to diagnose the cystoid macular edema in a case of gyrate atrophy. DESIGN: Observational