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广州市人民政府令第42号《关于加强地下空间安全管理的决定》已经2010年10月18日市政府第13届125次常务会议讨论通过,现予以公布,自公布之曰起施行。市长万庆良二○一○年十月二十六日 Decree No. 42 of Guangzhou Municipality on Strengthening the Safety Management of Underground Space was discussed and approved at the 125th executive meeting of the 13th municipal government on October 18, 2010 and will be promulgated and implemented as of the date of promulgation. Mayor Wan Qingliang October 26, 2010
IntroductionRaman scattering is a powerful nondestructivetechnique that gives vibrational information about or-ganic and inorganic materials.Raman scattering fe
针对模糊综合评价不能反映体育教学质量动态变化的特点,从学生体育素质指标体系出发,给出了基于马尔柯夫链的模糊综合评价方法,并用实例说明了其可行性。 In view of the fa
A terylene membrane which kept pH>12 in cathode compartment was used to construct a divided cell with a carbon/polytetrafluoroethylene (C/PTFE) O2-fed cathode.
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Nonflame combustion technology (NFCT) is a harmonious energy utilization technology. There are not environmental-unfriendly gases such as NOx, CO2 discharged in
患者男,41岁,以喉梗阻(右杓区肿物)急症入院,即行气管切开术。既往无心、肺、脑疾病史,生化检查均正常,ECG 大致正常。在全麻下行右杓区肿物切除术。术前30min 肌注呱替啶50