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李律师:2000年11月9日,我到东莞道滘镇蔡白第一工业区某诊所看病,医生认为我的病属痔疮发炎。医生开了三剂中草药给我,告知我怎样煎服,但没给我处方和收款单据。回厂后,我遵医嘱煎了一剂喝了下去,不到10分钟就出现头晕、胸闷,后来全身都发软。厂长立即派车送我去镇医院。11月10日,镇医院医生帮我作了痔疮检查,并问我老婆在不在,我说在家里,医生又问我有无过不正当性关系,我说没有,打工一年都没有过性生活。医生说我的病不是痔疮问题,而是长时间没过性生活引起会阴充血、肿痛,属前列腺炎。根据镇医院医生的诊断对照,证明 Lawyer Li: On November 9, 2000, I went to a clinic in Cai Bai First Industrial Park, Daocheng Town, Dongguan City, and my doctor thought my condition was an inflammation of hemorrhoids. The doctor gave me three doses of Chinese herbal medicine and told me how to decoction, but did not give me a prescription and payment receipt. Back to the factory, I ordered a decoction of a doctor drank it, less than 10 minutes to appear dizzy, chest tightness, then the whole body is soft. The director sent me to the town hospital immediately. November 10, the town hospital doctor helped me make a hemorrhoids check, and asked my wife is not there, I said at home, the doctor asked me if I had any illegitimate sexual relations, I said no, working for a year without sex life. The doctor said my disease is not a problem of hemorrhoids, but a long time had no sexual life caused by perineal congestion, swelling and pain, is prostatitis. According to the town hospital doctor's diagnosis control, that
省科委与建设部科技局委托四川省建筑总公司,于1984年11月20~22日在成都召开蒸汽选红外养护混凝土技术的鉴定会议。会议通过了本项技术鉴定。 以蒸汽为热源的远红外混凝土养
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
杭州新业塑料厂试制的拆装式泡沫地板于7月29日在杭州通过技术鉴定, 该种地板耐磨性好,色泽鲜艳,弹性足,脚感舒适,有一定的透气性,不易老化,铺设、清洗方便。由于采用特殊的