
来源 :外国法制史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsl526
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社区矫正作为一种非监禁性刑罚执行方式,是指将罪犯置于开放的环境,即于社区内进行教育改造的制度。相对于监狱矫正而言,它更具有刑罚的适宜性,不仅可以降低行刑成本,防止监狱内的交叉感染,还有助于罪犯的改造和回归社会。由于在惩罚和改造罪犯方面的良好效果,社区矫正成为各国刑事政策中重要组成部分,已在世界许多国家广泛运用。美国的社区矫正制度最具代表性,对其他国家社区矫正制度的改革与发展具有重要的借鉴意义。 Community correction, as a non-imposition of penalties, refers to the system of placing criminals in an open environment, that is, carrying out educational reform in the community. Compared with prison correction, it is more suitable for punishment, not only can reduce the cost of execution, prevent cross-infection in prisons, but also help the criminals to transform and return to society. Due to its good effect in punishing and reforming criminals, community correction has become an important part of criminal policies in various countries and has been widely used in many countries in the world. The most representative system of community correction in the United States is an important reference for the reform and development of the community correction system in other countries.
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阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。  “走”是一个很有方向感和质感的词:经过叫“走过”,进入叫“走进”,靠近叫“走近”,步行到一个地方叫“走在”,正在行进叫“走着”,向自己所在处前进叫“走来”,向自己以外的方向行进叫“走去”,向某一特定方向行进叫“走向”……生活其实就是不同形式、不同方向的行走,人生其实就是每个人生命的行走。  要求:自选角度,自主立意,自拟标题,写一篇不少于800字的作文。  (湖南特