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2007年10月~2008年6月,越南股市从最高点的1106点跌至300多点,楼市价格最大下跌超过60%,美元兑越南盾黑市汇率从1∶16000贬值至1∶19000,2008年上半年贸易赤字达148亿美元,超过了2007年全年的总额。越南一度被认为徘徊在危机的边缘。作为政治体制和经济模式相近的邻邦,面临通胀压力的中国自信之余也多 From October 2007 to June 2008, the Vietnamese stock market dropped from its highest point of 1106 points to more than 300 points, the property market price fell by more than 60%, the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Vietnamese dong black market devalued from 1:16000 to 1: 19000 in 2008 In the first half of the year, the trade deficit reached 14.8 billion U.S. dollars, surpassing the total amount of 2007. Vietnam was once thought to be hovering at the brink of crisis. As a neighboring country with a similar political system and economic model, more than the self-confidence of China facing inflationary pressures
为发展和培养艺术新人,给艺术爱好者提供一个展示才华的机会,学生之友杂志社特举办首届“学生之友杯”以“我快乐的童年”为主题的全国书画、摄影作品大赛。 For the develo
Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate the feasibility and safety of thoracoscopic internal mammary lymphadenectomy as a method to refine and thereb
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