Measurement of Specific Surface Area of Ceramisite Made from River Sediment

来源 :Journal of DongHua University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:madfox1108
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Principle and method of measuring Specific Surface Area (SSA) of ceramisite made from dredged river sediment, sewage sludge and adherent materials are discussed. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Procedure tests SSA of the ceramisite. Influences of sewage sludge content, adherent content and sintering point on the SSA of ceramisite made of river sediment are also analyzed. Results show that with the right sewage sludge content, adherent content and sintering point, the ceramisite can have the highest SSA value and be widely used. Principle and method of measuring Specific Surface Area (SSA) of ceramisite made from dredged river sediment, sewage sludge and adherent materials are discussed. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Procedure tests SSA of the ceramisite. Influences of sewage sludge content, adherent content and sintering point on the SSA of ceramisite made of river sediment are also analyzed. Results show that with the right sewage sludge content, adherent content and sintering point, the ceramisite can have the highest SSA value and be widely used.
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