干部作风改 群众看法变——静宁县八里乡实践“三个代表”见闻

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层层新修梯田就像黄土高原戴上的一圈圈项链,宽敞的乡村道路穿绕其间,大片大片退耕新植的林草,在西北初冬的寒风中,仍顽强地展露出迷人的绿色、黄色和红色。45岁的乡党委书记杨志敏时不时地停车,指点着他再熟悉不过的这座山,那道梁。这位从村干部一步一个脚印干上来的基层干部,就像眼前的黄土高原,淳朴而厚实。静宁县八里乡发生的一切变化,正好成为乡村干部们改进作风,实践“三个代表”的一种明证。乡党委:坚定信念干实事静宁县是我省中部地区典型的干旱山区县。八里是静宁县的一个城郊乡。去年1月,八里乡被省委组织部、省扶贫办列为农村“三个代表”学习教育与扶贫开发相结合示范乡;也是中组部、国务院扶贫办为推动农村“学教”活动的深入开展,以扶贫开发的深层次运作来实践“三个代表”重要思想,推动农村经济全面健康发展而确定的建设项目之一。来自上级的支持对于八里乡党委来说,既是动力,更是压力。乡党委书记杨志敏带领党委一班人和全乡10个村的1.8万名群众一起,没黑没夜地干,在不到10个月的时间里,拿出了一份沉甸甸的成绩单:——截至去年10月,全乡已完成投资1801万元,其中群众自筹1100万元。——工程造林6000亩,其中退耕还林3900亩, Layered newly built terraces resemble a circle of circle necklaces worn on the Loess Plateau. Extensive country roads are worn around them and large tracts of newly planted forests and grass are still tenaciously revealing attractive greens in the cold wind of early winter in the northwest. , Yellow and red. Yang Zhimin, a 45-year-old township party secretary, stopped from time to time and pointed to his familiar mountain. The grassroots cadres who step by step from the village cadres, just like the loess plateau in front of them, are simple and honest. All the changes that took place in Balili Township in Jingning County have just become a proof that village cadres have improved their style and practiced the “three represents.” Township Party committees: firm belief in doing things Jingning County is a typical arid mountainous area in the central region of our province. Bali is a suburban Jingning County. In January last year, Balili Township was listed by the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department and the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office as a demonstration town in rural areas. The “Three Represents” model of combining education with the development of poverty alleviation and development was also a model village; the Central Organization Department and the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office “And carried out in depth the operation of poverty alleviation and development to implement the important thinking of the” three represents "and promote the all-round and healthy development of the rural economy. Support from the higher level is a driving force and a pressure for the Party Committee of Bali Township. Township Party Secretary Yang Zhimin led a group of party members and the township of 10 villages of 18,000 people together, did not dry night, in less than 10 months, came up with a heavy transcript: - As of last October, the township has completed an investment of 18.01 million yuan, of which the masses raised 11 million yuan. - 6,000 acres of afforestation project, of which 3900 acres of converted farmland,
目的:了解市级医院医务人员医院感染诊断认知现状,为医院感染诊治防控提供参考。方法:在预调查的基础上自制调查表,对赣州市人民医院分层随机抽取的1 559名医务人员进行横断面
马萨诸塞大学历史系的史蒂芬.普拉特(Stephen Platt)2012年出版的专著《太平天国之秋》(Autumn in the HeavenlyKingdom)甫一出版,大受史学界好评.该书从洪仁开的角度观察太