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我无限热爱我的祖国越南,我决不许美帝国主义践踏我的国土。在伟大的抗美救国斗争中,越南人民劁造出无数可歌可泣的英雄事迹,涌现出爍耀古今的英雄人物。他们是国家的脊梁,是民族的精华,也是所有进步人类的榜样。去年十月十五日在西贡牺牲的阮文追烈士就是其中的一个。胡志明主席曾经指出:“阮文追烈士,为了祖国,为了人民,反对美帝国主义,英勇斗争,直到最后一息。阮文追英雄正气凛然,是每一个革命者,尤其是青年一代,应该学习的光辉榜样!’我们通过对阮文追式的越南英雄形象的学习,能够更深刻、更具体地看到整个越南民族的不怕艰 I have infinite love of my native Vietnam. I will never allow the U.S. imperialists to trample on my land. In the great struggle against the United States and for national salvation, the Vietnamese people have made countless heroic deeds of heroes and heroic figures that have emerged from ancient and modern dynasties. They are the backbone of the nation, the quintessence of nations, and the example of all human progress. One of them is Nguyen Van Chai who died in Sai Kung on October 15 last year. Chairman Ho Chi Minh once pointed out: “Nguyen Van Chasing the martyrs, for the sake of the motherland, for the people, against the US imperialism and the heroic struggle until the last breath.” Nguyen Van Chasing Heroes is a righteous awe-inspiring, every revolutionary, especially the younger generation, should learn Brilliant example! ’Through our study of Nguyen Van Chai’s heroic image of Vietnam, we can more profoundly and more concretely see the fearlessness of the entire Vietnamese nation
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