The realistic meaning of Larry’s image in The Razor’s Edge

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Larry,a character in the novel The Razor’s Edge written by British novelist Maugham,was shocked in the First World War and went into a way of exploring the meaning of life.In this paper,the author analyzed the image of Larry as a free explorer and a selfless rescuer so as to probe into the image of Larry further and researched its corresponding realistic meaning;especially his image played an important role in guiding the explorative generation after the Second World War and representing the modern people in the realistic society.Larry surmounted the boundaries of the time and space,which revealed the plight of the people and showed a way of ideal life with realistic meaning. Larry, a character in the novel The Razor’s Edge written by British novelist Maugham, was shocked in the First World War and went into a way of exploring the meaning of life. In this paper, the author analyzed the image of Larry as a free explorer. and a selfless rescuer so as to probe into the image of Larry further and researched its corresponding realistic meaning; especially his image played an important role in guiding the explorative generation after the Second World War and representing the modern people in the realistic society. Larry surmounted the boundaries of the time and space, which revealed the plight of the people and showed a way of ideal life with realistic meaning.
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