
来源 :学校党建与思想教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gwbn9
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赵光明,一个出生于大山农民家庭的土家汉子,12年前,他还是长航湖北巴东港务局的一名干部,一个看似与教育并无干系的他,偏偏与教育结缘。10年前,他独资办起了民办巴东神农溪高中,经过十年的发展,学校一跃成为全国民办学校的一面旗帜,书写了弃航从教的新传奇。 Zhao Guangming, a Tujia man born in a farmer’s family in the mountains, was a cadre of the long-haul Pudong Port Authority in Hubei 12 years ago. He, who seems to have no connection with education, has become attached to education. Ten years ago, he started running privately owned Shennongxi High School in Padang. After a decade of development, the school became a banner for non-state-run schools throughout the country and wrote a new legends on abandoning navigation.
Aim:To investigate the effect of epiretinal membrane(ERM)-peel on patients’health related quality of life(HR-QOL)and to explore the association between self re
PURPOSE: To compare the ocular rigidity in vivo measurements of patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and control subjects. DESIGN: Prospective c
A(polymer network/liquid crystal/chiral dopants) composite exhibiting a temperature-sensing switch of infrared spectrum has been developed.Because of the differ
亨亚历山大·本森(Lord Henry AlexanderBenson,1909~1995)勋爵是一位杰出的会计学家和审计实务界的领袖,他具有超凡的智慧,在实务界也有着突出的成就,不仅在国际会计舞台上扮
在全球,美国是索尼最大的市场,其次是日本本土,但是索尼的目标是用4~5年时间让中国成为索尼的第二大市场。目标虽然宏大,索尼的策略却是踏实有序的。 In the world, the Unit
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:To report the results of combined cataract and strabismus surgery using an adjustable suture technique in patients of different ages.PA