
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aws134
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DNA damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is considered the main etiologic factor contributing to the development of skin cancer. Systemic or topical application of antioxidants has been suggested as a protective measure against UV-induced skin damage. We investigated the effect of long- term oral administration of a combination of the antioxidants ascorbic acid(vitaminC) and D- |á - tocopherol (vitamin E) in human volunteers on UVB- induced epidermal damage. The intake of vitamins C and E for a period of 3 mo significantly reduced the sunburn reaction to UVB irradiation. Detection of thymine dimers in the skin using a specific antibody revealed a significant increase of this type of DNA damage following UVB exposure. After 3 mo of antioxidant administration, significantly less thymine dimers were induced by the UVB challenge, suggesting that antioxidant treatment protected against DNA damage. Systemic or topical application of antioxidants has been suggested as a protective measure against UV-induced skin damage. We investigated the effect of long- term oral administration of a combination of the antioxidants ascorbic acid (vitaminC) and D- | á-tocopherol (vitamin E) in human volunteers on UVB-induced epidermal damage. The intake of vitamins C and E for a period of 3 mo critical reduced the sunburn reaction to UVB irradiation. Detection of thymine dimers in the skin using a specific antibody revealed a significant increase of this type of DNA damage following the UVB challenge. After 3 mo of antioxidant administration, significantly less thymine dimers were induced by the UVB challenge, suggesting that antioxidant treatment protected against DNA damage.
国际田径联合会主席内比奥罗干11月7日凌晨因心脏病突发在罗马去世。 内比奥罗的家人和他的私人医生11月7日凌晨对外宣布,今年76岁的内比奥罗6日夜间在罗马寓所中突然感到心
就这样爱上一个人,  世界从此改变了。  一位文友,单身多年,近日忽然喜滋滋地宣布,他要结婚了。  原来,3个月前,他的手机上忽然出现一条来自陌生手机号码的短信,闲着无聊,他随手回复了几句,心想也许是诈骗手机费的。不料,对方却很快回复并诚心道歉,说是发错了。这样一来二去,因为一条阴差阳错的短信,隔着千山万水的两个人居然恋爱了!不但我们感到惊讶,就连文友自己都感觉不可思议,他说,像做梦一样,就这样爱