Reflectivity Measurement of Weak Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangmajun
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One method based on the end-face reflection as a reference was used to measure weak grating reflectivity of 0.01%-1%. For measuring ultra-weak grating reflectivity, the grating group with an identical wavelength was used. By using anhydrous alcohol and deionized water as the reflecting medium, the single-pulse FBG reflectivity of a highly doped-Ge photosensitive fiber was calculated to be about 0.747% and 0.739%, respectively; and the single-pulse FBG reflectivity of ordinary SMF fiber was about 0.016% and 0.015%, respectively. The consistent results by the two different reflecting media showed that the end-face reflection method on the grating group was feasible. One method based on the end-face reflection as a reference was used to measure weak grating reflectivity of 0.01% -1%. For measuring ultra-weak grating reflectivity, the grating group with an identical wavelength was used. By using anhydrous alcohol and deionized water as the reflecting medium, the single-pulse FBG reflectivity of a highly doped-Ge photosensitive fiber was calculated to be about 0.747% and 0.739%, respectively; and the single-pulse FBG reflectivity of ordinary SMF fiber was about 0.016% and 0.015 %, respectively. The consistent results by the two different reflecting media showed that the end-face reflection method on the grating group was feasible.
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