Simplified mode analysis of guided mode resonance gratings with asymmetric coatings

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovecat_fish
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A simplified modal method to explain the resonance phenomenon in guided mode resonance(GMR) gratings with asymmetric coatings is presented.The resonance observed is due to the interaction of two propagation modes inside the grating.The reflectivity spectra and electric field distributions calculated from the simplified modal method are compared using rigorous coupled-wave analysis(RCWA).The influences of high-order evanescent modes on the resonance peak are analyzed.A matrix Fabry-Perot(FP) resonance condition is developed to evaluate the resonance wavelength.An explanation for the resonance phenomenon observed based on the FP resonance phase condition is also proposed and demonstrated.The simplified method provides clear physical insights into GMR gratings that are useful for the analysis of a variety of other resonance gratings. A simplified modal method to explain the resonance phenomenon in guided mode resonance (GMR) gratings with asymmetric coatings is presented. The resonance observed is due to the interaction of two propagation modes inside the grating. The reflectivity spectra and electric field distributions were calculated from the simplified graph. modal method are compared using rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA). The influences of high-order evanescent modes on the resonance peak are analyzed. A matrix Fabry-Perot (FP) resonance condition is developed to evaluate the resonance wavelength. An explanation for the resonance phenomenon observed based on the FP resonance phase condition is also proposed and displayed. Simplified method provides clear physical insights into GMR gratings that are useful for the analysis of a variety of other resonance gratings.
患者 25岁,孕1产 0。因停经 41周无产兆要求终止妊娠于1999年 3月17日入院。既往月经规律,此次妊娠经过顺利,无患病和服药史及相关家族史记载。查体:血压14/10kpa(1kpa=7.5mmHg),脉搏80次/分。发育营养正常,神志清楚。心肺
目的 了解围生期窒息新生儿血清 s ICAM-1水平的动态变化。方法 采用双抗体夹心 ELISA方法 ,检测 41例围生期窒息新生儿及 11例正常新生儿生后 0、3、7d血清 s ICAM-1的水
经国家科技部批准 [国科外审字 (2001)0268号 ],由中科院长沙大地构造研究所与中南大学共同主办的“ 21世纪活化构造与成矿学发展创新国际学术研讨会”,将于 2001年 10月 29日~
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