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网络发展至今,出现了计算机、通信、广播网络三足鼎立的局面,不同的网络都有自身的优势,同时也有其不足。通信网络技术的发展方便了人与人之间的沟通,但却无法解决人们对各类信息获取的需求,因特网技术解决了这一问题。因特网的发展和繁荣方便了信息的共享和交流,而广播网络能快速将信息传递到每一个角落,大力加快信息普及的速度。进入21世纪,宽带网络让人们看到了多媒体应用的曙光。为了将这三种网络的优势进行互补,人们在寻求一种统一网络技术,在这种条件下,三网融合直到最终的合一已成为不可逆转的大趋势。中兴通讯紧跟多媒体视讯发展的潮流,提出了集通信(Communication)网、广播(BroadCast)网 Network development so far, there has been a computer, telecommunications, broadcasting network three pillars of the situation, different networks have their own advantages, but also has its shortcomings. The development of communication network technology has facilitated the communication between people, but it can not solve the people’s demand for all kinds of information acquisition. Internet technology solves this problem. The development and prosperity of the Internet facilitate the sharing and exchange of information, and the broadcasting network can quickly deliver information to every corner and speed up the popularization of information. Into the 21st century, broadband networks allow people to see the dawn of multimedia applications. In order to complement the advantages of these three networks, people are seeking a unified network technology. Under such conditions, the convergence of the three networks until the eventual unification has become an irreversible trend. ZTE follows up the trend of multimedia video development and proposes a set of communication network, BroadCast network
脸色黯淡、头昏眼花、心悸失眠、月经失调等症状都是女性贫血的表现。如果不及早治疗,将会形成恶性循环,引起免疫力下降,许多疾病乘虚而入,健康因此受到威胁。 His face dim
中图分类号:D648文献标识码:A文章编号:1673–1875(2007)01–117–01    自从恢复高考以来,通过高考、中考为国家选拔了大量人才,但是升学率逐渐变成束缚学生全面发展的“紧箍咒”,连带着使我国基础教育和中等教育走进死胡同,产生了人才层次单一,学生身心负担过重等负效应。为此,国家开始积极发展职业技术教育,大力倡导素质教育。目前,教育部实行高考高中脱离,即把高考推向社会的试点工作