Secure communication by generalized chaotic synchronization

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhcguopdf
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Chaotic communication is a rather new and active field of research. Although it is expected to have promising advantages, some investigators provide evidences that chaotic communication is not safety. This letter provides a new chaotic secure communication scheme based on a generalized synchronization theory of coupled system. The secret message hidden in the chaotic source signal generated via the scheme is very difficult to be unmasked by so-called nonlinear dynamic forecasting technique. One example for Internet communications was presented to illustrate the security of our scheme. Chaotic communication is a rather new and active field of research. Although it is expected to have established advantages, some investigators provide evidences that chaotic communication is not safety. This letter provides a new chaotic secure communication scheme based on a generalized synchronization theory of coupled system The secret message hidden in the chaotic source signal generated via the scheme is very difficult to be unmasked by so-called nonlinear dynamic forecasting technique. One example for Internet communications was presented to illustrate the security of our scheme.
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