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2016年11月17日—18日国家化学品质检中心技术联盟2016年年会在天津市召开。国家染料质量监督检验中心、国家精细化学品质量监督检验中心等40余家化工行业国家级质检中心参加了会议。会议讨论审议了联盟章程修改方案,审议通过了成立联盟技术研究部、质量信息部、国际合作部三个工作部门的提议。各部门的承担单位在会上对今后工作的思路以 November 17-18, 2016 The annual meeting of National Chemical Quality Control Center Technology Alliance was held in Tianjin. National Dye Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, the National Fine Chemical Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, more than 40 chemical industry-level quality inspection center attended the meeting. The meeting discussed and deliberated the plan for revising the Articles of Association, and considered and approved the proposal of setting up three allied departments of technical research department, quality information department and international cooperation department. The commitment of various departments at the meeting on the future work of the train of thought
After the798Factory in Beijingand Warehouses of Suzhou Creek inShanghai,the old factory buildingsalong the ancient Grand Canal inHangzhou have become anotherUto
The famous Silk Road is seeking heritage status as the ancient route that pioneered the link between East and West The famous Silk Road is seeking heritage sta
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。看了又看——动物装酷图片集锦 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Lo
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis(FGN)is a rare kidney disease characterized by the deposition of randomly arranged fibril deposits 15-30 nm in diameter,mainly in t
600年前郑和率大型船队七下西洋,在东非肯尼亚附近海域曾触礁搁浅,于是有的船员便上岸定居下来。从此,中国人的一支血脉就这样在遥远的东非繁衍……  2005年7月,肯尼亚中国后裔,一个叫姆瓦玛卡·沙里夫的19岁小女孩来到了中国,来到了南京,许慧玲副市长亲自把一方漂亮的头巾裹在了她的头上。  你不能不感叹历史的神奇,命运的神奇。    写信给大使改变人生    沙里夫出生在肯尼亚帕泰岛上的西游村,据当