赔偿多少 不凭嘴说

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去年9月,刘先生在北京给朋友买了一台价值4900元的SONY牌数码相机,到本市一家航空公司营业部办理航空托运手续,在托运单上亲笔填上了托运的始发站、目的站、收货人、货物品名、毛重等内容。当填到“声明价值附加费”一栏时,他觉得35元的托运费已经够高了,如果再交托运品总价1%的声明价值附加费,还得掏几十块钱,比托运费还贵呢。他怎么想怎么觉得不值。因此,在这一栏中没有填写任何内容,服务员征求他的意见后在这一栏中填写了“无”。几天后,朋友打电话说没收到照相机。刘先生到那家营业部查询,发现照相机在托运过程中丢失了,与那家营业部几经交涉,也没能达成赔偿协议。双方打起了官司。在庭审中,刘先生坚持营业部弄丢了客户的邮件,应该赔偿SONY牌数码相机款4900元、误工费700元、交通费200元,同时要求退还托运费35元,并向法庭提交了购买相机的发票、航空货运单、运费发票以及处理相机丢失一事的误工证明等证据。在他看来,证据如此确凿,这场官司赢定了。而这家营业部坚决反对刘先生的要求,强调应该照章办事。 Last September, Mr. Liu bought a friend in Beijing a value of 4,900 yuan SONY brand digital camera to the airline business department of the city for air consignment formalities, fill in the consignment note on the consignment originating station, Destination, consignee, the name of the goods, gross weight and so on. When filled in the “statement value surcharge ” column, he felt 35 yuan shipping charges have been high enough, if we pay the freight price of 1% of the declared value surcharge, have to dig a few dollars, More expensive than shipping it. How he thinks he does not feel worth it. Therefore, in this column did not fill in any content, the waiter consulted his opinion in this column to write “no ”. A few days later, a friend called to say they did not receive the camera. Mr. Liu to that business department inquiries and found the camera lost in the process of consignment, and that sales department after several negotiations, failed to reach a compensation agreement. Both sides started a lawsuit. In the trial, Mr. Liu insisted that the sales department lost the customer's e-mail, should compensate for SONY digital camera 4900 yuan, 700 yuan lost time charges, transportation costs 200 yuan, at the same time asked to return the shipping fee of 35 yuan, and submitted to the court to buy Camera invoices, air waybills, freight invoices, and proof of lost work to deal with lost cameras. In his opinion, the evidence is so conclusive that the lawsuit won. The sales department firmly opposed to Mr. Liu's request, emphasizing that they should act according to regulations.
编辑同志: 我与前奏汤某是5年前离婚的,孩子由她抚养。因为当时我的经济条件很好,为了达到离婚的目的,我就同意每月按900元的标准支付抚育费,调解书也是这样写的。头几年,我
1.IntroductionChina is now amid rapid urbanization,which,no matter in terms of scale or speed,is unprecedented in the human history.The history of urban develop
目的 :了解聚维酮碘 (PVP -I)和生理盐水配合基础治疗后龈沟液中GPx的变化和临床意义。方法 :2 3名慢性成年性牙周炎 (AP)患者 ,每一测试者选取不同象限的 1~ 2个患牙 ,总共 4