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阅读教学是小学语文教学的基本环节,它是识字的主要途径,有利于提高识字质量进行听说读写的综合训练。提高听话说话和作文的能力。阅读能力,对一个学生来说,是一种十分重要的能力,同时也是学生应该具备的一个重要素质。阅读能力的强弱,与学生获取知识,提高学习兴趣,增长见识,以及培养自学能力等方面都有密切联系。小学生阅读能力提高了不但能够加强小学生在阅读中的情感体验,而且可以让学生积累丰富的语文知识,形成良好的语感能让小学生去理解鉴赏文学作品,从而受到高尚情操与趣味的熏陶同时也能发展他们的个性,丰富他们的精神世界。阅读带给人的力量是巨大的,能拓宽知识面,提高品德修养和思想情趣。而阅读能力对小学生来说,是一种十分重要的能力,同时也是小学生应该具备的一项重要素质。苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“让学生变聪明的方法,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读阅读再阅读。”《语文课程标准》也明确指出“要培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡少做题,多读书,好读书,读好书,读整本的书。”那么在小学语文教学活动中,该如何来培养学生的阅读能力呢?下面谈谈我的几点浅见。 Reading teaching is the basic part of Chinese teaching in primary schools. It is the main way of literacy, which is conducive to improving the quality of literacy and comprehensive training of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Improve listening and writing skills. Reading ability, for a student, is a very important ability, but also an important quality students should have. The strength of reading ability, and students acquire knowledge, improve learning interest, increase knowledge, and develop self-learning ability and so on are closely linked. The improvement of primary school students ’reading ability not only enhances the primary school students’ emotional experience in reading, but also enables students to accumulate rich knowledge of Chinese and form a good sense of language so that primary school students can understand appreciation of literature and literature, thus being influenced by noble sentiments and interests Develop their personality and enrich their spiritual world. The power of reading to bring people is huge, can broaden the knowledge, improve the quality of moral education and thought. The reading ability for primary school students, is a very important ability, but also an important quality primary school students should have. Sukhomlinski, a Soviet educator, once said: “The way to make students smart is not to make up classes, not to increase the workload, but to read and read again.” “The Standard for Chinese Curriculum also states clearly that” Develop students’ broad interest in reading, expand the reading area, increase the reading volume, advocate less doing questions, read more books, read books, read good books and read the whole book. "Then in the primary Chinese teaching activities, how to cultivate Students’ reading ability? Here to talk about my point.
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