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党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央主动适应和引领经济发展新常态,把就业放在经济社会发展的优先位置,深入实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策,大力促进就业创业。五年来,我国就业规模持续扩大、就业结构更加优化、创业带动就业效应进一步发挥、公共就业服务不断加强,有力推动了全体人民共建共享发展。①就业结构不断优化,一二三产业就业人数更加合理,经济增长拉动就业能力增强。图为辽宁省锦州市一文化企业员工进行软陶工艺品开发设计。 Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken the initiative to adapt and lead the new normal of economic development, placed employment in the priority of economic and social development, thoroughly implemented the employment priority strategy and a more active employment policy, and vigorously promoted employment Entrepreneurship. In the past five years, the employment scale in our country has been continuously expanded, the employment structure has been further optimized, the employment effects brought about by entrepreneurship have been further brought into play, the public employment service has been continuously strengthened and the promotion of the common development of all people has been vigorously promoted. ① The employment structure has been continuously optimized. Employment in the first, second, third and fourth industries has been more reasonable, and economic growth has boosted the employability. The picture shows Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, a cultural enterprise staff to develop clay pottery design.
动词常与其他词类(多是副词和介词)搭配在一起,构成固定词组,称为动词短语(phrasal verbs)。高考中常会出现这类短语,让我们先来看几道2007年的高考题:1.If the firms failed
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