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如果说,全球化和信息化就像推土机的两个轮子,正在快速地行驶将我们居住的这个星球从球体铲成一个平坦的世界,那么,作为这两个轮子的推动力之一的电信业本身又随着全球化和信息化大潮的涌动而走到产业发展的关键路口。具有百年历史的电信产业不断地推动着信息化浪潮的普及和深入,与此同时,它又不断地因信息化浪潮带来的变革和挑战而感到困惑和迷茫。可喜的是,短暂的阵痛之后,全球电信产业又义无反顾地融入信息化的大潮,以融合为主旋律,以新业务为切入点,开辟了一片蓝色海洋。新年伊始,老牌的电信运营商英国电信就传出好消息:该公司的宽带接入数量已经突破1000万大关。此外,英国电信的固定/移动融合业务(FMC)BTFusion也在新年到来之际推出了升级版FusionPlus。2月8日,作为全球最大的移动通信运营商之一,沃达丰公布了与MySpace的一项交易,以帮助沃达丰的用户增加手机使用时间,从而提高沃达丰的数据业务收入。在年前刚刚完成对南方贝尔并购的AT&T公司,在新年开始时就计划把发展无线类业务纳入公司今年的工作重点。由此可见,新的一年,在由传统的电信业务向全新的信息化领域拓展的道路上,世界电信巨头们正在加快步伐。 If globalization and informatization are like the bulldozers’ two wheels that are rapidly moving the world we live in from a sphere into a flat world, then the telecoms industry, one of the driving forces behind both wheels, Itself with the surging trend of globalization and information technology has come to the critical juncture of industrial development. With a hundred years of history, the telecom industry has been pushing the popularization and deepening of the wave of informationization. At the same time, it has constantly been confused and confused by the changes and challenges brought by the wave of informationization. The good news is that after a short period of pain, the global telecom industry has turned a deaf ear to the tide of informationization. With the integration of the main theme and the new business as its starting point, it has opened up a blue ocean. At the beginning of the new year, veteran telecom operator BT reported the good news: the company’s broadband access has exceeded 10 million. In addition, British Telecom’s fixed / mobile convergence service (FMC) BTFusion also introduced an upgraded version of FusionPlus in the New Year. On February 8, Vodafone, one of the world’s largest mobile operators, announced a deal with MySpace that will help Vodafone users increase their handset usage and increase their Vodafone data business revenue. AT & T, which just completed its takeover of BellSouth in the South just a year ago plans to include the development of its wireless-based business into the company’s focus this year at the start of the new year. From this we can see that in the new year, the world’s telecom giants are accelerating their pace of expansion from a traditional telecom business to a completely new information field.
本文描写了广西灌阳观音阁土话的音系,内容主要包括灌阳观音阁土话的声韵调、语音特点、同音字汇三个部分。 This article describes the phonetic system of Guanyinge Gua
研究了基于不同220 kV电源供电区域的10 kV线路环合环网络的等值模型;推导了合环潮流计算公式;并针对10 kV馈线中普遍存在的多分支情况提出了一种等效处理方法以提高合环电流
在湖南省采集108组稻米和土壤样品,测定稻米镉、土壤总镉、土壤有效态镉含量和有效态锌含量。电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定结果表明,稻米镉含量范围为0.015~1.05 mg/kg,平均值