
来源 :景德镇陶瓷 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rabbitwangli
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2013年7月在新加坡举办《景德镇陶瓷学院吴也凡教授陶瓷美术展》,图为也凡博士在其原创作品“天驹”前用小提琴演奏《陶院礼赞(也凡词曲)》。在《也凡陶瓷美术研讨会》上,也凡作了《景德镇当代陶瓷美术》学术报告,为了改变圈内很多人将陶瓷美术等同于工艺美术的偏见,他以自己的作品在国际美术舞台现身说法:“陶瓷美术家除了具备传统画家的学养外,还必须掌握坯、釉、料及烧制等工艺过程,必须首先是掌握陶瓷技艺的体力劳动者,然后才可能成为陶瓷美术家。只要其间任何一个环 In July 2013, Professor Wu Yefan Ceramic Art Exhibition of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute was held in Singapore. The photo shows Dr. Ye Fan playing violin tweets (also known as lyrics) in front of his original work Tianchi. He also gave a presentation on ”Contemporary Ceramic Art of Jingdezhen“ at ”All Ceramic Art Seminar". In order to change the prejudice that many people in the circle equate ceramic art with arts and crafts, he presents his work on the international art stage: In addition to the traditional artist’s education, ceramic artists must master the process of billet, glaze, material and firing, and must first be a manual worker who masters the art of ceramics before they can become a ceramic artist. ring
本课题的工作是依托重庆市基础与前沿研究计划项目“拉压不同模量柔性薄层结构变形问题研究”而开展的。  随着材料技术的飞速发展,各种新型材料的相继问世,关于材料自身特
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