
来源 :诗选刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binsheng
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艾青曾告诫诗人们:不要把人家已经抛撇了的破鞋子,穿在自己的脚上走路;宁肯裸体,却决不要让不合身材的衣服来窒息你的呼吸。诗歌需要更自由的空气并具备这样的灵性,一个词,一个词组,一种意境,本来平淡无奇,当被诗人别具一格地运用之后,便仿佛具有了神性而楚楚动人,诗人们总是想方设法地突破语言的旧秩序,寻找和建立语言的新秩序,并因此对开发语言的无限表现潜力和深化能力,做出创造性的贡献。 Ai Qing warned the poets: Do not put others have put aside broken shoes, wear on their feet to walk; rather nude, but never let the clothes out of shape to suffocate your breath. Poetry needs more free air and has such spirituality. A word, a phrase and a mood originally used in a poignant manner are used by the poets as if they have a divine nature. The poets always try their best to find ways Break through the old order of language, find and establish a new order of language, and thus make a creative contribution to the development of the unlimited potential and deepening ability of language.
20世纪初,霍华德·休斯在美国出生。受父亲的影响,他从小喜欢动手发明一些小东西。11岁时,他组装了收音机,制作了一个无线电台。之后,他发明了助动自行车,并开始尝试拼装摩托车。  休斯很有天赋,加上他的勤奋,一段时间之后,一辆拼装摩托车就初步成型了。父親看了这辆摩托车后,啧啧称赞:“这辆拼装摩托车比我见过的很多摩托车都要好,可以上路了吧?”“不,还不行。”休斯笑着说:“还有一些地方需要改进,我要把它
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