Rapid report of the 8 January 2022 MS6.9 Menyuan earthquake, Qinghai, China

来源 :地震研究进展(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quuizx
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The MS 6.9 Menyuan earthquake in Qinghai Province, west China is the largest earthquake by far in 2022. The earthquake occurs in a tectonically active region, with a background b-value of 0.87 within 100 km of the epicenter that we derived from the unified catalog produced by China Earthquake Networks Center since late 2008. Field surveys have revealed surface ruptures extending 22 km along strike, with a maximum ground displacement of 2.1 m. We construct a finite fault model with constraints from InSAR observations, which showed multiple fault segments during the Menyuan earthquake. The major slip asperity is confined within 10 km at depth, with the maximum slip of 3.5 m. Near real-time back-projection results of coseismic radiation indicate a northwest propagating rupture that lasted for~10 s. Intensity estimates from the back-projection results show up to a Mercalli scale of IX near the ruptured area, consistent with instrumental measurements and the observations from the field surveys. Aftershock locations (up to January 21, 2022) exhibit two segments, extending to~20 km in depth. The largest one reaches MS 5.3, locating near the eastern end of the aftershock zone. Although the location and the approximate magnitude of the mainshock had been indicated by previous studies based on paleoearthquake records and seismic gap, as well as estimated stressing rate on faults, significant surface-breaching rupture leads to severe damage of the high-speed railway system, which poses a challenge in accu-rately assessing earthquake hazards and risks, and thus demands further investigations of the rupture behaviors for crustal earthquakes.
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