周迅 女人比姑娘美丽

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2011年初,在电影《龙门飞甲》的关机仪式上,近一年来很少在电影的发布会上出现的周迅,面对热心关注的媒体表示,“现在的我,就像《龙门飞甲》的戏中人物一样安心走我路,不问江湖事。”其实在了解周迅的人看来,这个有主见的女子是在以低调迎接自己的下一步。世界经济论坛(又称达沃斯论坛)日前公布了2011年度“全球青年领袖”(The Young Global Leade rs,YGL)名单,周迅作为唯一一位文化娱乐明星获此国际殊荣。对此,周迅表示,“获此殊荣是对我莫大的肯定和鼓励,同时我也希望更多的人能够投身到公益事业当中,承担更多的社会责任。”简洁而率真。 In early 2011, at the shutdown ceremony of the movie “Dragon Fly A”, Zhou Xun, who rarely appeared at the film conference in the past year, said in the face of enthusiastic media attention: “Now I, like” Dragon Fly “The characters in the same peace of mind go my own way, regardless of rivers and lakes.” “In fact, people who understand Zhou Xun, the assertive woman is in a low profile to meet their next step. The World Economic Forum (also known as the Davos Forum) recently announced the list of ”Young GL Leader rs“ (YGL) 2011, and Zhou Xun won this international award as the only cultural and entertainment star. In response, Zhou Xun said: ”It is a great honor and encouragement for me to win this award. At the same time, I also hope more people can devote themselves to public welfare undertaking and take on more social responsibilities."
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