农业部部署夏秋季节病虫防控 实现“虫口夺粮”保秋粮丰收

来源 :中国植保导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:king_wda
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入夏以来,全国大部地区降水偏多,利于病虫发生为害。据全国农作物病虫测报网监测,近期南方稻区稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟迁入峰次、迁入量明显多于上年同期,稻瘟病在东北、西南、江南等地呈流行发生趋势,黏虫雌蛾比例显著高于常年,马铃薯晚疫病流行风险高。中国气象局预测,今年发生中等以上强度的厄尔尼诺现象。受此影响,将带来强对流天气频繁, Since the beginning of summer, the rainfall in most parts of the country is too much, which will benefit pests and diseases. According to the National Crop Pest and Disease Report Network Monitor, recently rice planthoppers and rice leafrollers migrated to the peak in the southern rice area in China with a significant increase over the same period of the previous year with rice blast prevailing in the northeast, southwest and southern parts of China The trend is that the proportion of female moths is significantly higher than that of perennials, and the risk of potato late blight is high. China Meteorological Administration predicted that this year there will be more than moderate intensity of El Nino. Affected by this, it will bring frequent convection,
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