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搬张小板凳,王秉林坐在摄影棚门口。貌既不出众,衣也平平常常,局外人看来,身边来来往往的红男绿女,各色人等,最不象导演的大概恰恰是这位多年编导合一,相貌极普通的男子。曾有记者称王秉林为平民导演,无论为人从艺,这四个字都可谓恰如其分。 在中国,电影导演是比较特别的职业。虽说如今五花八门的导演很多,扰乱了视听,但真正科班出身的导演专业毕业生,大多都有些背景,或为世家,或为名门,或为贵胄子弟,这些人中虽不乏影坛精英, Zhang small bench, Wang Binglin sitting in the studio door. Appearance is neither outstanding, clothing is also commonplace, it seems the outsider, around the red and green, all kinds of people, the most like the director probably is precisely this years compilation of one, looks extremely ordinary man. A reporter once said that Wang Binglin is a civilian director, regardless of people’s art, these four words can be said to be just the difference. In China, the film director is a more special occupation. Although nowadays a wide variety of directors, disturbing the audio-visual, but the real Keban graduating director professional graduates, most of them have some background, or as a family, or for the door, or for your children, although many of these elite film,
在当今好莱坞,克林特·伊斯特伍德是一个谜一样的梦。这个梦,女人最爱做。 1964年,年过三十的伊斯特伍德,被意大利名导赛尔乔·莱昂纳偶然发现,觉得伊斯特伍德人高马健,容貌