
来源 :中华航空航天医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eminemzzz
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目的对招飞体检中因患鼓膜疾病而被淘汰的情况进行分析。方法1988~1997年苏、浙、皖3省共64897名应招学生参加体检,对其体检记录进行分析。结果有14437名学生被淘汰,其中因鼓膜疾病被淘汰的为4302名,占总淘汰人数的29.80%,位居其它疾病之首。常见鼓膜疾病为:①鼓膜菲薄瘢痕。该病在鼓膜疾病的中淘汰率最高,也较易检出。使用电鼓气耳镜鼓气检查时,瘢痕处呈泡状突起。②鼓膜萎缩。该病淘汰率占全科复诊淘汰率的首位。检查发现鼓膜的透明度增大,电鼓气检查时鼓膜出现飘动。③鼓膜增厚石灰质沉着、鼓膜穿孔、鼓膜粘连内陷,均可由耳镜直接观察得出诊断。④其它鼓膜疾病如急性鼓膜炎、大疱性鼓膜炎、蓝鼓膜等也均易得出诊断。结论由于体检医师经验不足,诊断标准尺度不统一和工作中疏忽等原因,常出现漏诊。建议要求招飞体检医师不断提高自己的航空医学知识和诊断技能,并经常组织学习相关的专业知识,以利于更好地完成招飞任务。 Objective To analyze the situation of obsolete erection caused by tympanic membrane disease during the examination. Methods From 1988 to 1997, a total of 64897 students from three provinces in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui were enrolled in the medical examination, and their physical examination records were analyzed. As a result, 14,437 students were eliminated, of which 4302 were eliminated due to tympanic membrane disease, accounting for 29.80% of the total number of people eliminated, ranking the first among other diseases. Common tympanic membrane disease: ① meager scars tympanic membrane. The disease out of the highest in the tympanic membrane disease, but also easier to detect. When using a drum and ear otoscope, the scars are bubbled. ② tympanic membrane atrophy. Outbreak rate of the disease accounted for the first out of the total out-patient review. Examination revealed increased tympanic membrane transparency, tympanic membrane blown electrical examination. ③ thickening of the tympanic membrane deposition of limestone, tympanic membrane perforation, tympanic membrane adhesions invagination, can be directly observed by the otoscope to diagnose. ④ other tympanic diseases such as acute tympanitis, bullous tympanitis, blue tympanic membrane are also easy to come up with a diagnosis. Conclusion Due to the lack of experience of the medical examiner, diagnostic criteria are not uniform standards and negligence and other reasons, often missed diagnosis. The proposal calls for the surgeons to continuously improve their aeromedical knowledge and diagnostic skills, and often organizes study-related professional knowledge so as to better accomplish the task of recruiting the trainees.