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人类对五彩缤纷的陆上世界似乎已经了解的很多了,对大陆上的生态、动物、植物、微生物世界的奥秘探索了数千年。但是对占地球表面积百分之七十以上的海洋却不敢说了解的有多少。就在辽阔的太平洋底部,发育有一条大约3公里宽的大裂谷,在那里生活着希奇古怪的螃蟹、鱼和藏在管状 It seems that human beings have understood much about the colorful and onshore world and have been exploring the mysteries of the ecological, animal, plant and microbial world on the mainland for thousands of years. But dare not say much about the oceans, which account for more than 70% of the Earth’s surface area. At the bottom of the vast Pacific Ocean, there is a large rift about 3 km wide, where weird and weird crabs, fish, and hides
麦克·莫波格(MiChae Morpurgo)。英国最畅销小说家之一.生于1943年,在伦敦国王学院学习英文与法文后.便开始在小学任教。莫波格30岁开始出书,迄今为止出版作品百余部,得奖无数.其作
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Abundance and biomass of heterotrophic microbes were investigated using epifluorescense microscopy in August 2004 along a transect in the Kongsfjorden, a glacia
The responses of the interspecific competition between Skeletonema costatum and Heterosigma akashiwo to UV-B radiation enhancement were studied by the co-cultur
目的:建立麻黄止嗽丸马兜铃酸A的限量检测方法。方法:样品经过固相萃取小柱进行处理,采用HPLC法,以Phenomenex Luna C18柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm)为色谱柱,以乙腈:0.2%碳酸铵
本文主要以监理为主,介绍预应力管桩的监理控制技术,保证预应力管桩施工质量,以满足规范与设计要求。 In this paper, the main supervision to introduce the prestressed
总结了西洋参、冬虫夏草、天麻、山药、绞股蓝、金银花等6种常用中药的品质辨识方法,将其用于中药实际验收工作中,具有较强的实用性和可操作性。 The quality identificatio