
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hubeibei1919
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2002年5月,塔吉克斯坦总统访问中国,同意把靠近帕米尔地区存在争议的1000余平方公里的领土交给中国。两国签署《中塔国界补充协定》,确定两国国界24个界点。2006年,两国启动野外勘界工作,经过多年努力,两国勘定国界线494.953公里,竖立界标93个、界桩101个。2011年1月12日,提交塔方议会审议的《中塔勘界协定》最终文本获得通过,塔方向中国交还1158平方公里土地,标志着两国边界争端彻底解决。 In May 2002, the President of Tajikistan visited China and agreed to hand over over 1,000 square kilometers of territory close to the disputed Pamir area to China. The two countries signed the Supplementary Agreement on the Border Region between China and Tajikistan and determined 24 boundary points between the two countries. In 2006, the two countries started the work of field demarcation and after years of efforts, the two countries enumerated 494.953 kilometers of national boundaries and erected 93 landmarks and 101 boundary pillars. On January 12, 2011, the final text of the Central Tower Demarcation Agreement submitted to the Tower Assembly for approval was passed. The transfer of 1158 square kilometers of land to China by the tower side marked the complete settlement of the border dispute between the two countries.
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More and more Chinese college students are enlisting in the army ChentChenglong,a new recruit in the fire- fighting troops of the Chinese People’s Armed Police
条令提示:内务条令第九十条军服以及标志服饰不得变卖,不得仿制,不得擅自拆改或者借(送)给非军人。军人退出现役时,应当将标志服饰上交。 Order reminder: Article 90 of th