2022年高考热门话题写作预测(1): 学校生活

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  Part 1 激活·素养解读
  Part 2 晨读·素材积累
  Ⅰ. 读典题·知考向
  1. 剧情简介;
  2. 指导内容;
  3. 商定时间地点。
  1. 词数100左右;
  2. 结束语已为你写好。
  Dear Miss Evans,
  Yours truly,
  Li Hua
  ◆ 范文晨诵
  Dear Miss Evans,
  I am writing to ask you a favor regarding a play we adapted according to the textbook.
  Wed like to combine your culture with ours by adapting the classic novel The Steamboat for a short English play. The play is set in a big storm after midnight, on the raft down the river navigation, and we see a steamboat that is going to sink. We save a scared boy. However, the adaptation is quite a challenge. So would you please spare some time to review the draft script attached to this email and make necessary changes?
  Given your busy schedule, Id be very appreciative if you offer to give some pro?fessional advice.
  Best regards!
  Yours truly,
  Li Hua
  ◆ 模板提炼
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