Aging Characteristics on Epoxy Resin Surface Under Repetitive Microsecond Pulses in Air at Atmospher

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bing4086
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Research on aging characteristics of epoxy resin(EP) under repetitive microsecond pulses is important for the design of insulating materials in high power apparatus.It is because that very fast transient overvoltage always occurs in a power system,which causes flashover and is one of the main factors causing aging effects of EP materials.Therefore,it is essential to obtain a better understanding of the aging effect on an EP surface resulting from flashover.In this work,aging effects on an EP surface were investigated by surface flashover discharge under repetitive microsecond pulses in atmospheric pressure.The investigations of parameters such as the surface micro-morphology and chemical composition of the insulation material under different degrees of aging were conducted with the aid of measurement methods such as atomic force microscopy(AFM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).Results showed that with the accumulation of aging energy on the material surface,the particles formed on the material surface increased both in number and size,leading to the growth of surface roughness and a reduction in the water contact angle; the surface also became more absorbent.Furthermore,in the aging process,the molecular chains of EP on the surface were broken,resulting in oxidation and carbonisation. Research on aging characteristics of epoxy resin (EP) under repetitive microsecond pulses is important for the design of insulating materials in high power apparatus. It is that very fast transient overvoltage always occurs in a power system, which causes flashover and is one of the main factor causing aging effects of EP materials.Therefore, it is essential to obtain a better understanding of the aging effect on an EP surface resulting from flashover. in this work, aging effects on an EP surface were investigated by surface flashover discharge repetitive microsecond pulses in atmospheric pressure. The investigations of parameters such as the surface micro-morphology and chemical composition of the insulation material under different degrees of aging were conducted with the aid of the aid of measurement methods such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM ), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results showed that with the accumulation of aging energy on the ma terial surface, the particles formed on the material surface increased both in number and size, leading to the growth of surface roughness and a reduction in the water contact angle; the surface also became more absorbent. of EP on the surface were broken, resulting in oxidation and carbonisation.
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