Safety of interferon treatment for chronic HCV hepatitis

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michael047
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Hepatitis C is a major cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality worldwide, In fact, chronic hepatitis C is considered as one of the primary causes of chronic liver disease, cirhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and is the most common reason for liver transplantation. The primary objectives for the treatment of HCV-related chronic hepatitis is to eradicate infection and prevent progression of the disease. The treatment has evolved from the use of α-interferon (TFNα)alone to the combination of IFNα plus ribavirin, with a significant improvement in the overall efficacy, and to the newer PEG-IFNs which have further increased the virological response, used either alone or in combination with ribavirin.Despite these positive results, in terms of efficacy, concs are related to the safety and adverse events. Many patients must reduce the dose of PEG-IFN or ribavirin, others must stop the treatment and a variable percentage of subjects are not suitable owing to intolerance toward drugs. IFNβ represents a potential therapeutic altative for the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis and in some countries it plays an important role in therapeutic protocols. Aim of the present paper was to review available data on the safety of IFNβ treatment in HCV-related chronic hepatitis.The rates of treatment discontinuation and/or dose modification due to the appearance of severe side effects during IFNβ are generally low and in several clinical studies no requirements for treatment discontinuation and/or dose modifications have been reported. The most frequent side effects experienced during IFNβ treatment are flu-like syndromes, fever, fatigue and injection-site reactions. No differences in terms of side-effect frequency and severity between responders and non-responders have been reported.A more recent study, performed to compare IFNβ alone or in combination with ribavirin, confirmed the good safety profile of both treatments. Similar trends of adverse event frequency have been observed in subpopulations such as patients with genotype-1b HCV hepatitis unresponsive to IFNα treatment or with HCV-related cirrhosis and patients with acute viral hepatitis. If further studies will confirm the efficacy of combined IFNβ and ribavirin treatment, this regimen could represent a safe and altative therapeutic option in selected patients.
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策划/本刊编辑部执行/水蓝 冰白 暖暖爱    不知从什么时候开始,我们越来越感到生活的平淡与乏味,两点一线或三点一线刻板的生活流程日渐在侵蚀着我们的理想以及欲望。  他们说:“我不快乐。”  当生活失去了乐趣,那么人生也就随之失去了光泽,只剩下苦闷与彷徨。  欧洲嘉年华光临我们这座城市的时候,大家竟然表现出异乎寻常的兴奋,不分年龄,也无论身份,纷纷拥挤在人群中尽情地重温儿时的快乐。大家忽然发现,
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