Preparation of quercetin imprinted core-shell organosilicate microspheres using surface imprinting t

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In this work,the quercetin imprinted core-shell microspheres were prepared using silica surface imprinting technique.A simple sol-gel procedure was used for the synthesis of the imprinted materials with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane as functional monomer and tetraethyl orthosilicate as crosslinker.The SEM images indicated that the MIPs shell was successfully grafted onto the silica surface.The characteristics of the molecularly imprinted polymers such as capacity,selectivity and absorption dynamic were investigated by rebinding experiments.The results showed that the prepared MIPs had good imprinting effect and adsorption amount of quercetin. In this work, the quercetin imprinted core-shell microspheres were prepared using silica surface imprinting technique. A simple sol-gel procedure was used for the synthesis of the imprinted materials with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane as functional monomer and tetraethyl orthosilicate as crosslinker.The SEM images indicated that the MIPs shell was successfully grafted onto the silica surface. Characteristics of the molecularly imprinted polymers such as capacity, selectivity and absorption dynamic were investigated by rebinding experiments. the results showed that the prepared MIPs had good imprinting effect and the amount of deposition of quercetin .
目的 :探讨平均动脉压测定阳性预测妊高征发生及预防性治疗的价值。方法 :对 97、98两年郑州市妇幼保健院围产门诊系统管理的 5 5 1例 2 2 - 2 6周孕妇进行平均动脉压 (mABP)
本文是妊娠合并胎盘粘连子宫肌瘤1例的临床报告。原拟诊“孕足月一胎,胎盘后血肿”,术后为胎盘粘连子 宫富细胞平滑肌瘤。母婴平安,7天切口甲级愈合。 This article is a case re
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前庭大腺脓肿为妇科常见病、急性病 ,多发于农村妇女。笔者几年来采用抽吸术配合中药治疗本病 ,取得满意疗效。且方法简单易操作 ,适应于基层医院开展。1 临床资料病例 2 3
患者女 ,15岁。因阵发性右下腹痛 2个月、腹胀 1个月于 1999年 9月 2 9日入院。既往健康 ,12岁月经初潮 ,无月经异常史及肿瘤家庭史。体检 :一般情况好 ,全身浅表淋巴结无肿