Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization followed by surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma

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Surgical resection (SR) is recommended as a radical procedure in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, postoperative recurrence negatively affects the long-term efficacy of SR, and preoperative adjuvant therapy has therefore become a research hotspot. Some clinicians adopt transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) as a preoperative adjuvant therapy in patients undergoing SR to increase the resection rate, reduce tumor recurrence, and improve the prognosis. However, the findings of the most relevant studies remain controversial. Some studies have confirmed that preoperative TACE cannot improve the long-term survival rate of patients with HCC and might even negatively affect the resection rate. Which factors influence the efficacy of preoperative TACE combined with SR is a topic worthy of investigation. In this review, existing clinical studies were analyzed with a particular focus on several topics: screening of the subgroups of patients most likely to benefit from preoperative TACE, exploration of the optimal treatment regimen of preoperative TACE, and determination of the extent of tumor necrosis as the deciding prognostic factor.“,”Surgical resection (SR) is recommended as a radical procedure in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, postoperative recurrence negatively affects the long-term efficacy of SR, and preoperative adjuvant therapy has therefore become a research hotspot. Some clinicians adopt transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) as a preoperative adjuvant therapy in patients undergoing SR to increase the resection rate, reduce tumor recurrence, and improve the prognosis. However, the findings of the most relevant studies remain controversial. Some studies have confirmed that preoperative TACE cannot improve the long-term survival rate of patients with HCC and might even negatively affect the resection rate. Which factors influence the efficacy of preoperative TACE combined with SR is a topic worthy of investigation. In this review, existing clinical studies were analyzed with a particular focus on several topics: screening of the subgroups of patients most likely to benefit from preoperative TACE, exploration of the optimal treatment regimen of preoperative TACE, and determination of the extent of tumor necrosis as the deciding prognostic factor.
目的探讨儿童先天性喉气管食管裂(laryngotracheoesophageal cleft,LTEC)的临床诊断与治疗方法。方法回顾性收集首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院2016年1月至2020年6月确诊Ⅱ~Ⅳ型LTEC的8例患儿临床资料,并进行分析。8例患儿中,男7例,女1例,诊断时年龄5 d~12个月,中位年龄为3.75个月。根据2006年Sandu提出的改良Benjamin-Inglis 分型
图像引导放疗应用于临床以来,锥形束CT (CBCT)已成为应用最广泛的图像引导设备。然而,CBCT的应用中仍存在一些问题需要注意,如患者摆位误差经CBCT校正前后均存在一定误差、CBCT难以校正肿瘤动态变化误差、患者靶区外放边界能否减小受CBCT应用频率影响、CBCT摄像条件还缺乏一定灵活性、CBCT实用性受到临床价值和应用成本影响等。只有充分认识CBCT应用中的问题,才能更加合理和科学地使用CB
目的 研究探讨阿托伐他汀钙联合美托洛尔治疗慢性充血性心力衰竭临床效果.方法 随机选取2020年1~12月在本科室接受治疗的慢性充血性心力衰竭患者100例作为本次研究对象,随机分为两组,分别是对照组和观察组,每组50例.对照组患者进行口服美托洛尔治疗;观察组在对照组基础上给予阿托伐他汀钙治疗;观察两组患者治疗后的心功能水平、左心室射血分数、每搏输出量及心排血量和血脂中总胆固醇、甘油三酯及脂蛋白水平变化情况.结果 观察组患者的左心室射血分数、每搏输出量和心排血量水平均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.0
目的 探究肝硬化合并消化道出血患者的支持性治疗措施及效果.方法 共计纳入15例肝硬化合并消化道出血患者,所有病例纳入时间选取自2019年1月至2020年1月,通过对所有患者给予支持性治疗,以改善患者的各项病症表现及不良影响,同时术后对患者进行后期护理干预.统计所有患者在接受治疗后的临床治疗效果、各项治疗指标结果.结果 通过给予所有患者治疗措施后,显示治疗显效患者11例,治疗有效患者4例,治疗无效患者0例,所有患者总体治疗有效率为100%;所有患者在接受相应的治疗和护理干预期间,其出血量为(254.91±6
目的初步探讨3D打印模板辅助插植近距离治疗在髂血管旁孤立转移淋巴结的安全性和有效性。方法收集2018—2020年间就诊于河北省沧州中西医结合医院髂血管旁淋巴结转移的12例患者,应用3D打印模板辅助插植近距离治疗,处方剂量20~30 Gy 1次。疗后前3个月每个月复查CT,3个月后每3个月复查CT,评价治疗局控率、症状缓解率、不良反应。结果12例患者均顺利完成治疗和随访,1、3、6个月淋巴结达完全缓
目的分析心脏搏动对射波刀肺部动态追踪肿瘤位置不确定性的影响。方法选取48例肿瘤位置距离心脏位置较近的患者,导出其肺部动态追踪系统采集的治疗过程中的肿瘤运动位置曲线。对导出的肿瘤运动位置曲线进行滤波分析,将<1 Hz的呼吸运动波形和>1 Hz的心脏搏动波形进行分离。依据患者的滤波结果,按是否存在>1 Hz的心脏搏动波形,将患者治疗追踪数据分为两组。依据治疗时追踪系统采集的X线影像数据,比较两组治疗分