Obtaining research biopsies during pediatric colonoscopy: Safety and adverse events

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shb
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AIM: To investigate the safety profile of acquiring additional intestinal biopsies for research purposes in children undergoing a medically indicated colonoscopy. METHODS: A retrospective review of 122 pediatric patients who underwent colonoscopy over a 9 mo time period was completed. 38/122 participants consented to a research study in which 4 additional biopsies were obtained, in addition to routine biopsies. The outcomes after colonoscopy were measured in the research participants, and compared to 84 control participants who did not consent for the study. Groups were compared with regard to number of biopsies obtained, underlying diagnosis, and both serious and minor adverse outcomes. Data was collected including: age, gender, race, indication, diagnosis, number of biopsies obtained per case and post procedure adverse events. Medical records were reviewed and a questionnaire was completed by each of the ten gastroenterologists who performed procedures during the study. Physicians were asked about individual patient outcomes to ensure that all adverse events, such as perforation, excessive bleeding, infection, and minor gastrointestinal outcomes, were captured and included.RESULTS: The research group had more biopsies obtained(mean = 13.58 ± 4.21) compared to controls(mean = 9.33 ± 4.40), P ≤ 0.0001, however there was no difference in adverse events. Serious outcomes, defined as perforation, bleeding and infection, did not occur, in either group. As such, the relationship between serious adverse events and number of biopsies obtained was not determined. Minor gastrointestinal outcomes, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting, were reported in 21 patients(8 research participants and 13 control participants) however the incidence of minor gastrointestinal outcomes between the two groups did not vary significantly, P = 0.45. Additionally, the meannumber of biopsies obtained in patients who had a minor outcome(mean = 12.1 ± 0.77), compared to those with no adverse outcome(mean = 10.34 ± 0.5), revealed no statistical difference between the groups(P = 0.12), suggesting that number of biopsies is not associated with incidence of minor adverse events.CONCLUSION: Patients participating in research requiring acquisition of additional biopsies for research purposes alone, are not at an increased risk of adverse outcomes. A: To investigate the safety profile of acquiring additional intestinal biopsies for research purposes in children undergoing a medically indicated colonoscopy. METHODS: A retrospective review of 122 pediatric patients who underwent colonoscopy over a 9 mo time period was completed. 38/122 participants consented to a research study in which 4 additional biopsies were obtained, in addition to routine biopsies. The outcomes after colonoscopy were measured in the research participants, and compared to 84 control participants who did not consent for the study. Groups were compared with regard to number of Data was collected including: age, gender, race, indication, diagnosis, number of biopsies obtained per case and post procedure adverse events. Medical records were reviewed and a questionnaire was completed by each of the ten gastroenterologists who performed procedures during the study. Physicians we re asked about individual patient outcomes to ensure that all adverse events, such as perforation, such as perforation, excessive bleeding, infection, and minor gastrointestinal outcomes, were captured and included .RESULTS: The research group had more biopsies obtained (mean = 13.58 ± 4.21) compared to controls (mean = 9.33 ± 4.40), P ≤ 0.0001, there was no difference in adverse events. Serious outcomes, defined as perforation, bleeding and infection, did not occur, in either group. As such, the relationship between serious adverse events Several gastrointestinal outcomes, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting, were reported in 21 patients (8 research participants and 13 control participants) however the incidence of minor gastrointestinal outcomes between the two groups did not vary significantly, P = 0.45. Additionally, the mean number of biopsies was obtained in patients who had a minor outcome (mean = 12.1 ± 0.77), compared to those with no a dverssuggesting that the number of biopsies is not associated with incidence of minor adverse events. CONCLUSION: Patients participating in research requiring acquisition of additional biopsies for research purposes alone, are not at an increased risk of adverse outcomes.
患者 ,男 ,4 0岁 ,藏族。住院号 5540。因反复头昏、胸闷、心慌 2年入院 ,其症状与居住地区海拔高低明显相关。入院时查体 :T36.5℃ ,P84次 /分 ,R2 0次 /分 ,BP90 / 60mmHg ,患者呈多
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原发性肾上腺皮质功能减退 (Addison)症患者 ,其脱氢表雄酮 (DHEA)与雄激素水平降低。Addison患者即使应用糖皮质激素和盐皮质激素替代治疗有效 ,也会出现体力与精神疲劳 ,对应激的耐受力下降。