Changes in runoff and sediment load from major Chinese rivers to the Pacific Ocean over the period 1

来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:figo0204
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Changes in runoff and sediment loads to the Pacific Ocean from 10 major Chinese rivers are presented in this paper.To quantitatively assess trends in runoff and sediment loads,a parameter called the “Trend Ratio 7”“ has been defined in this paper.To summarize total runoff and sediment load from these rivers,data from 17 gauging stations for the duration 1955 to 2010 has been standardized,and the missing data have been interpolated by different approaches according to specific conditions.Over the observed 56-year study period,there is a quite stable change in total runoff.Results show that the mean annual runoff flux entering the Pacific Ocean from these rivers is approximately 1,425billion cubic meters.It is found that all northern rivers within semi-arid and transitional zones including the Songhua,Liaohe,Haihe,Yellow and Huaihe rivers present declining trends in water discharge.Annual runoff in all southern rivers within humid zones including the Yangtze,Qiantang,Minjiang,Pearl and Lancang rivers docs not change much,except for the Qiantang River whose annual runoff slightly increases.The annual sediment loads of all rivers show significant declining trends;the exceptions are the Songhua and Lancang rivers whose annual sediment loads have increasing trends.However,the mean annual sediment flux carried into the Pacific Ocean decreased from 2,026million tonnes to 499 million tonnes over the 56-ycar period.During this time there were 4 distinct decreasing phases.The decrease in annual sediment flux is due to the integrated effects of human activity and climate change.The reduction in sediment flux makes it easy for reservoir operation;however,the decrease in sediment flux also creates problems,such as channel erosion,river bank collapse and the retreat of the delta area. Changes in runoff and sediment loads to the Pacific Ocean from 10 major Chinese rivers are presented in this paper. Quantitatively assessing trends in runoff and sediment loads, a parameter called the ”Trend Ratio 7 “ ”has been defined in this paper .To summarize total runoff and sediment load from these rivers, data from 17 gauging stations for the duration 1955 to 2010 has been standardized, and the missing data have been interpolated by different approaches according to specific conditions. Over the observed 56-year study period , there is a quite stable change in total runoff. Results show that the mean annual runoff flux entering the Pacific Ocean from these rivers is approximately 1,425billion cubic meters. It is found that all northern rivers within semi-arid and transitional zones including the Songhua , Liaohe, Haihe, Yellow and Huaihe rivers present declining trends in water discharge. Annual runoff in all southern rivers within humid zones including the Yangtze, Qiantang, Minjiang, Pearl an d Lancang rivers docs not change much, except for the Qiantang River whose annual runoff slightly increases. The annual sediment loads of all rivers show significant declining trends; the exceptions are the Songhua and Lancang rivers whose annual sediment loads have increasing trends. However, the mean annual sediment flux carried into the Pacific Ocean decreased from 2,026million tonnes to 499 million tonnes over the 56-ycar period. During this time there were 4 distinct decreasing phases. decrease in annual sediment flux is due to the integrated effects of human activity and climate change. The reduction in sediment flux makes it easy for reservoir operations; however, the decrease in sediment flux also creates problems, such as channel erosion, river bank collapse and the retreat of the delta area.
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