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“文化大革命”初期,中央任命我兼任北京市委第一书记,吴德为第二书记,组成新市委。《人民日报》1966年6月4日公布了这一任命。从此,我被深深地卷入这场史无前例的大风暴中。 虽然当时我们对许多事情不能理解,但还是遵循着党内一贯的老传统,忠实地执行毛主席和中央的各项决定。从我到北京市工作至我被罢官前后两个月时间,毛主席说我犯了50天的路线错误。在此期间,中央日常工作一度由少奇和小平同志主持。那时中央大多数负责同志对突如其来的混乱局势都主张要采取措施加以稳定。北京市首当其冲,向各大专院校派去工作 In the early days of the Cultural Revolution, the Central Government appointed me as the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Wu De as the second secretary to form a new municipal party committee. People’s Daily published the appointment on June 4, 1966. From then on, I was deeply involved in this unprecedented big storm. Although we did not understand many things at that time, we still followed the old traditions in our party and faithfully implemented Chairman Mao’s and the Central People’s Government’s decisions. From my time in Beijing until I was detained for two months, Chairman Mao said I made a 50-day course mistake. During this period, the central daily work was once chaired by Comrade Shaoqi and Xiaoping. At that time, most responsible comrades of the Central Committee advocated the stabilization of the sudden chaos. Beijing is the first to send its work to tertiary institutions