,Two-electron localization in a quantum dot molecule driven by a cosine squared field

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanCL19861125
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We investigate the dynamics of two interacting electrons confined in a quantum dot molecule under the influence of cosine squared electric fields. The conditions for two-electron localization in the same quantum dot are analytically derived within the frame of the Floquet formalism. The analytical results are compared to numerical results obtained from the solution of the time-dependent Schdinger equation. We investigate the dynamics of two interacting electrons confined in a quantum dot molecule under the influence of cosine squared electric fields. The conditions for two-electron localization in the same quantum dot are analytically derived within the frame of the Floquet formalism. compared to numerical results obtained from the solution of the time-dependent Schädinger equation.
In this paper, we report a method by which the ion quantity is estimated rapidly with an accuracy of 4%. This finding is based on the low-temperature ion densit