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The study on the sustainable utilization of water resources of Jinan city is a research hotspot in the urban sustainable development field.How to use a scientif
The article used general equilibrium model to analyze the change of gross domestic product and industry output affected by water resources policies in Beijing C
It is difficult to manage the manufacturing hazardous waste (MHW) which is generated from a huge amount of compli- cated sources and causes very serious polluti
【正】 The North PoleThe sun is always overhead from Spring to Autumn regardless of the hour of day or night, for the sun only rises once each year and sets onc
黛安芬提醒姑娘们不要丢掉精致  生活的琐碎,baby 的摧残,让刚过渡到#人妻##妈咪#这两个标签的她身心俱疲,哪还有时间注重自己的穿着以及妆容。德国内衣品牌黛安芬Triumph在最新推出的宣传片里,就将目光投向初为人母的妈妈们身上。也许是去年的迪士尼风格颇受好评,在今年的推广上还是延续去年“Find the one ”的主题和迪士尼风格的动画形式,将从之前宣传片里的少女,晋级成了宝妈。并试图提醒
【正】 Yunnan is a province of outstanding natural beauty and home to many colourful ethnic nationalities. These contrasts came home to me when I took the 1-hou