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绿盲蝽和中黑盲蝽是危害棉花害虫的两个优势种。为探明短时高温暴露对绿盲蝽和中黑盲蝽存活和生殖的影响,河南省农科院植保所研究人员将在27℃饲养的绿盲蝽和中黑盲蝽的卵和初孵若虫每天暴露在不同高温(30、33、36、40℃)4小时,以27℃恒温饲养的为对照,比较了两种盲蝽卵的孵化率、若虫存活率、成虫产卵量的变化以 The green bugs and the black bugs are the two dominant species that endanger cotton pests. To investigate the effect of short-term high temperature exposure on the survival and reproduction of Apolygus lucorum and Apodemus augustus, researchers from Henan Institute of Plant Protection of China (CAS) researched the eggs and hatchlings of Apolygus lucorum and Apolygus lucorum The nymphs were exposed to different temperatures (30, 33, 36, 40 ℃) for 4 hours every day and kept at 27 ℃ for comparison. The hatching rate, nymphs' survival rate and adult fecundity
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目的:探讨妇女子宫肌瘤患病率及有关因素。方法:对所有普查对象适度充盈膀胱后,用频率为3.5MHz的B超探头经腹探查子宫附件。结果:2006~2007年B超普查在职已婚妇女4 282例,共
With the aim to discover water, life and resources in other planets, robotic sampling instrument is a crucial part of the space exploration robot. To remove dus
自 1 978年Blom和Singer使用发音假体重建全喉切除者的发音功能以来 ,这种利用气管食管穿刺造瘘安置发音假体的技术已经推广到世界各地 ,使得一大批无喉者受益。目前在临床上得到广泛应
The world today is undergoing great transformationsand readjustments, which is characterized by thecoming into being of “emerging economies”in The world toda