
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njxgfd
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水土保持科学技术转移及科研成果转化为社会生产力,并得到广泛推广应用,是多年来水土保持科技工作者努力解决的重要问题.随着社会主义市场经济的发展和科技的进步,水土保持科学技术在国土整治、环境保护、土壤保持、防洪减沙、发展生产、山区建设等方面所起的作用愈来愈重要,日益得到社会各界的重视.在深化水土保持改革中,科研单位改革的总目标是多出成果、快出成果,加速技术转移,加快成果转化推广,推动社会生产力的发展,促进经济建设.本文就水土保持技术转移及成果转化推广,谈一些粗浅的认识. Soil and water conservation science and technology transfer and scientific research into social productive forces, and has been widely promoted and applied, is the soil and water conservation scientists over the years to work hard to solve the important issue .With the development of socialist market economy and technological progress, soil and water conservation science and technology In the process of soil and water conservation, environmental protection, soil conservation, flood control and sediment reduction, development and production, mountain construction and other aspects play an increasingly important role and are increasingly valued by all sectors of society .In deepening water and soil conservation reform, the overall goal of the reform of scientific research units Is more fruitful, quicker result, speed up the transfer of technology, speed up the transformation and promotion of achievements, promote the development of social productive forces, and promote economic construction.This paper talks about some superficial knowledge about the technology transfer and the promotion and transformation of soil and water conservation.
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