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用传统的检测工具(如示波器、逻辑分析仪等)进行维修时,维修人员往往是从电路板的功能出发逐级检测,这通常需具备两个前提:一是对故障电路板的工作原理比较清楚;二是对被测板能够测试到稳定的信号。而在实际工作中,这两个前提一般很难同时得到满足,因而给维修工作造成了很大的难度。若使用正达电路维修测试仪进行电路故障检测,上 When using traditional detection tools (such as oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, etc.) for maintenance, maintenance personnel often conduct step-by-step tests based on the functions of the circuit board. This usually requires two preconditions: First, the working principle of the faulty circuit board is compared Clear; Second, the board can be tested to a stable signal. In actual work, these two premises are generally difficult to meet at the same time, thus causing great difficulty to the maintenance work. If you are using the circuit repair tester for circuit fault detection, on
·特别报道·江泽民总书记给国防科工委的贺信······……4一1朱铬基总理在国防科技工业十大集团公司成立 大会上的讲话(摘要)···············……4一2
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,,妒’l-厂’l◆尸,哇!l’98珠海航展印象@谭程通 ,, jealous ’l-plant’ l ◆ corpse, wow! L’98 Zhuhai Air Show impression @ Tan Cheng Tong
2009年8月20日,欧特克有限公司提名A.T.Ferrell公司为2009年8月欧特克“月度发明家”。8月恰逢美国的发明家之月(National Inventors Month),A.T.Ferrell公司因为使用Autodes
本期紧紧围绕十七大,结合本学年度时政要点,编写一套综合测试题,希望同学们对十七大精神有全面的理解和把握。祝大家中考顺利! In this issue, we will focus on the 17th N
Check Point是全球著名的防火墙和VPN厂商,是防火墙技术领域的领导者,世界上第一款状态检测防火墙就是Check Point于1994年开发的。作为全球防火墙/VPN领先厂商,Check Point