
来源 :中国人兽共患病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfcy007
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1992年8月,四川炉霍县朱倭乡发生一起炭疽病爆发流行,现报告如下。 一、流行病学调查 8月1日,杜柏村一农户病死牦牛一头,由家人及亲友剥皮后取胸腹腔中积血灌制血肠,煮沸后分送该村七户亲友共40人食用。首发病例发现于8月3日,5日即死亡。4至7日发病5人,死亡2人,另3名患者经区医院诊为炭疽转县医院,16日在县医院死亡一人,另两名24日治愈出院。整个疫情历时24天,共发病6人,死亡4人,死亡牲畜2头,发病均系当地农民,男女之比2∶4,年龄36~73岁,死者年龄50~73岁。 二、临床及实验室检查 该次发病潜伏期为2—6 In August 1992, an epidemic of anthrax broke out in Zhuwo, Luhuo County, Sichuan Province, and the report is as follows. Epidemiological investigation On August 1, a farmer in Duobai village headed for a sick yak and took blood and blood from the thoracic and abdominal cavities after skinning by his family and relatives. After boiling, he was distributed to 40 relatives and friends of the village for consumption. The first case was found on August 3, died on the 5th. 4 to 7 onset of 5 people, 2 were dead, the other three patients diagnosed by the district hospital anthrax transferred to the county hospital, one death at the county hospital on the 16th, the other two were cured on the 24th. The entire outbreak lasted 24 days, a total of 6 people were killed, 4 people died, 2 dead animals, the incidence of local farmers, male to female ratio of 2:4, aged 36 to 73 years old, the deceased aged 50 to 73 years. Second, clinical and laboratory tests The incidence of incubation period of 2-6