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全球金融风暴进一步深化,已对我国实体经济造成影响,连续14年位居全球产量第一、连续8年位居出口第一的我国摩托车行业也没能幸免,出口增速呈现回落,并且还有进一步下降的可能。部分企业不得不裁员限产,或处于半停产状态,摩托车出口“三大板块”的重庆、广东和江浙地区都发生了中小企业倒闭现象,企业正面临着前所未有的挑战。 The global financial crisis has further deepened and has affected China’s real economy. China’s motorcycle industry, which ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years and ranked first in exports for eight consecutive years, has not been spared. The growth rate of exports has declined. There is a possibility of further decline. Some enterprises have to lay off their employees to limit production, or in a semi-discontinued state, motorcycle exports “three plates ” Chongqing, Guangdong and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have occurred in the phenomenon of SMEs closed down, companies are facing unprecedented challenges.
Ray Ewry of the United States. He won ten gold medals in track and field events in games that took place between 1900 and 1908. Standing jumps, the events in w
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If you“shoot from the hip”you must be in a big hurry to get off a lot of shots and are not being very careful about aiming at your target. In colloquial spee
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WHAT DOES IT MEAN(此成语是什么意思)? 释义:in a quarrel;in a fight;opposing each other争吵,互相作对 HOW DO WE USE IT(如何使用)? 例句 1.Kevin and Maggie are at l
危机,这是我们唯恐避之不及的事情。但是,现实中,总会有一些这样的危机,潜伏在我们的生活与工作中。那怎么办呢?逃避还是暴力阻止?或说,任其自然发展?  相信,聪明的人一定不会这样对待!因为,聪明的人都知道危机与机会,总是同行的。有危机,就会有机会。为何不好好利用呢?  现在,让我们以广源桔子长蛆,为例来分析与探讨危机背后的商机!危机,让我们大家都感觉到的就是惊慌,而这个惊慌,让所有人记忆深刻!惊慌是
ATeachersImperceptibleInfluence周秦Childhoodisthemostpreciousperiodoftimeinonesjourneyoflife.NomaterhowbusyIam,theboatofmymem... ATeachersImperceptibleInfluence Zhou Qin Childhoodisthemostpreciousperiodoftimeinonesjourneyoflife. NomaterhowbusyIam,thebo