法兹轰炸机——THE FUZZ乐队专访

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来自古城西安的年轻乐队THE FUZZ,拥有一个效果器音效的名字。他们将富有冲击力的节奏和朗朗上口的旋律,隐藏在电子摇滚和车库朋克的外衣下。他们从来不愿局限于某种风格,从后朋克到新浪潮,从电子摇滚到车库,只做自己喜欢和觉得有趣的。在2011年乐队的首张EP《BOMB YOURB RAIN》中,THE FUZZ已毫无保留地展示出想让你摇滚起来的野心。今年,他们联合了北京、上海、西安三地的优秀独立新声,即将推出一张有着超酷名字的新声合辑。而他们以吃喝观光为主要目的的全国巡演也即将启程,“西北偏北”的巡演路线,估计也只有年轻乐队才敢这么折腾。他们是勇士也是酒鬼,但是无论醒着醉着都清楚自己的方向,没有精巧美妙,也不盯鞋闷骚,神经质的现场和爆炸性的音符,这就是THE FUZZ愿意给你的全部。 THE FUZZ, a young band from the ancient city of Xi’an, has an effect sound effect. They hurled the tempting tempo and catchy melodies under the coat of electronic rock and garage punk. They never want to be limited to a certain style, from post-punk to new wave, from electronic rock to the garage, just do what you like and find it interesting. In 2011, the band’s debut EP “BOMB YOURB RAIN”, THE FUZZ has unreservedly demonstrated the ambition you want to rock. This year, they unite new outstanding independent voices in Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an. A new sound editing series with a cool name is coming soon. And their main purpose of eating and drinking tourism is also about to start a national tour, “Northwest North ” tour line, it is estimated that only young bands dare to so toss. They are warriors and drunkards, but no matter awake drunk are aware of their own direction, there is no exquisite beauty, nor stare at shoes, nervous scenes and explosive notes, this is THE FUZZ is willing to give you all.
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