
来源 :中国激光 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenhao
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This research presents the results of investigation of laser polarization fluorescence of biological layers (histological sections, cytological smears) in the task of diagnostics and differentiation of early stages of cancer: Dysplasia — cervical microinv
相对于外腔半导体激光器,分布式反馈(Distributed Feedback Laser,DFB)激光器的温调率较高,为实现饱和吸收稳频,需要对激光器温度进行精密控制。分析了饱和吸收稳频系统的控温需求,基于MAX1978芯片设计了精密温控系统;利用恒流源对测温电桥电路进行了线性优化,利用遗传算法对模拟PID电路参数进行快速整定,系统最终实现0.2mK的控温稳定度,比同类设计的稳定度高1~2个数量级,解决了饱和吸收谱线明显晃动的问题,具有广阔的应用前景。
The distribution of pump light and signal light in Yb^(3 )-doped double-cladding fiber laser is analyzed based on a rate equation model. Numerical simulation results are obtained. The numerical solution of the rate equation is shown to be in excellent agr
We report on a new technique of mutual injection phase-locking fiber-laser array. This technique uses a 45o beam splitter as coupling device. Injection phase-locking process of the fiber-laser array is simulated and analyzed. Results show that constant va
The effects of gain compression on the modulation dynamics of an optically injected gain lever semiconductor laser are studied. Calculations reveal that the gain compression is not necessarily a drawback affecting the laser dynamics. With a practical inje